Trashlab December 2016 + pikkujoulu
3 joulukuu 2016 17:00 — 20:00
TRASHLAB events are social occasions to gather and to try to fix broken things, while meeting others who care about tinkering, fixing, hacking, and the problem of waste and obsolescence in society. For each event, the expert hosts will try to identify the problems or diagnose the broken item and direct participants on how they can fix their item.
This is the second Trashlab session at Temporary and will also serve as the pikkujoulu/holiday party for Temporary. We'll have some glögi and snacks and other holiday-type stuff.
More info can be found on the Temporary website.
Liittyvä sisältö

Trashlab explores experimental art-design-technology practice between hacker and maker cultures, in the context of re/up-cycling and the increased availability of new fabrication tools. Trashlab’s objective is to build up a community of people (artists, designers, hackers, makers, re/up-cyclers, activists) who are concerned with material and electronic waste in contemporary society, and tackle this problem with creative and tangential approaches.We follow the aim to encourage a peer-based learning environment related to hacking electronics, repair practices, appropriate technology for...
18. helmikuuta 2014 14.38,
Andrew Gryf Paterson

After a nomadic year 2013 of Trashlab repair workshops touring different studios and maker spaces in Helsinki, the activity in 2014 has now settled into Kaupunkiverstas, the city librarys maker space in Lasipalatsi. The maker space is a recent initative by the library, which responds to the librarys users feedback and ideas of an open workshop space. Trashlab activists also had a role in the development of the space and its facilities: Albert Laine, Eero Yli-Vakkuri, Andrew Paterson and myself (Päivi Raivio) participated in the co-planning process during a workshop organised by the city...
4. toukokuuta 2014 19.03,
Andrew Gryf Paterson

By Sara Milazzo. So we entered the recycling center to be welcomed with coffee and buns. First we were introduced to the history of the company, tracking back to the beginning of 19th century, and then onwards to nowdays with service packages and global networking trends. The global aspect of big recycling companies doesnt seem to be a easy and clear picture. Due to cultural, regulation and law differences its hard to global consensus, while problems should be dealt with locally. On one hand it is pure business, but on the other hand its very crucial for how life on earth will continue...
28. helmikuuta 2016 00.00,
John W. Fail

Pixelache launched it's 2016 Trashlab programme with an afternoon session in the sculpture department of Kuvataideakateemia's kitchen. Hosted by Pixelache's Justin Tyle Tate, the session found a variety of participants fixing clothes, electronics, toys, and bicycles, with some experimentation as well. Trashlab will continue throughout the year with regular activities. Check back here or on the usual channels for more information and announcements. Some photos from yesterday's session are shown above, and you may also find the whole gallery on Flickr.
1. lokakuuta 2013 00.20,
Andrew Gryf Paterson

Trashlab korjauskahvila / repair cafe Keskiviikona / Wednesday 2.10. klo 16-19. Kaupunkiverstas - Kohtaamispaikka@Lasipalatsi [SUOMEKSI TEKSTI ALLA] Each month during 2013 we organise and promote a Trashlab Repair Cafe event at a different location.. In October, Kaupunkiverstas -- Helsinki City Library's new maker space on the site of Kohtaamispaikka in Lasipalatsi -- hosts the next repair café event on Wednesday 2nd October from 14:00-18:00. However, this is just a pilot event, and monthly events have been negotiated to take place in same location monthly during 2014. Prototype Helsinki...
5. helmikuuta 2013 12.00,
Andrew Gryf Paterson

As promised following the first repair-cafe event organised in Helsinki last December, thanks to the initiative of Päivi Raivio, there will be 'Trashlab' branded repair-cafe events each month at a series of different venues this year, as part of the Pixelversity 2013 Waste/d theme. The first of the year takes place on Saturday 23.2. from 14-17 at Made in Kallio space (Vaasankatu 14). These events are social occasions to gather and try to fix the things you have that are broken, and meet others who care about tinkering, fixing, hacking, and the problem of waste and obsolescence in society....