The Camera Lucida by Evelina Domnitch & Dmitry Gelfand (RU/NL) is a reminder of the days when the latest innovations of science were presented to people by nomadic gypsies, in a form of mysterious theatre. Evelina and Dmitry are the ceremony masters of this artwork, guiding the audience in a completely dark room to show them a spectacular new discovery in physics.
Created in collaboration with scientific laboratories in Japan, Germany, Belgium, Russia and United States, the Camera Lucida (lucid or light chamber) installation allows one to directly convert sound waves into light by employing a phenomenon called sonoluminiscence: ultrasound within liquid causes micro-bubbles of gas to implode, as which point they become as hot as the Sun and emit light in the shape of sound waves.
Article about The Camera Lucida published in Leonardo, Volume 37, Issue 5 - October 2004, MIT Press (PDF, 3.24 MB)
The Camera Lucida by Dmitry Gelfand & Evelina Domnitch (RU/NL) will be exhibited 8-30 March at Kiasma Mediatheque.
!! The opening and artist presentation on will take place in the evening of 7 March - you will need an invitation to participate this event, please send an e-mail to office {{at}} pixelache.ac to receive an invitation. !!