Social Tools Training Circle no.8
2 March 2020 17:30 — 20:30

Monday 2.3.2020 at 17:30-20:30
As you might remember, the 2019 Social Tools Conference was not an end in itself, but rather just the beginning of a year-long training around the topics of the conference: MONEY, POWER, CONFLICT. This means we still have 4 more Social Tools Training Circle Sessions waiting - the next one being on Monday, March 2nd at our Pixelache Office in Suvilahti - welcome!
The next session is the third and the final one with Conflict Resolution Pattern Language as outlined by Sofia Bustamante. We are very thankful to Sofia that we are the first ones to try out her wonderful work - this is a truly wonderful opportunity. Like previously, Sofia will be again present in our forthcoming session via online video call, so we will have another Q&A with her during the session!
We are very thankful to Sofia Bustamante that we are the first ones to try out her wonderful work. Sofia will be again present in our forthcoming session via online video call, so we will have another Q&A with her during the session - how great is that!
Please join us in this collective learning journey - and do bring friends and colleagues along! The sessions will be self-contained so that attendance of the conference is not a pre-condition to join the Training Circle.
As always, the session is free of charge, but we kindly ask you to register via Eventbrite so that we can prepare sufficient snacks and drinks. Also note, that all the previous sessions have been fully booked in advance - it’s definitely a good reason to register yourself and your friends NOW so you can fit in for sure! :)