When: Saturday 28.9.2019 and Sunday 29.9.2019
Where: HIAP Suomenlinna, Helsinki
Entry: free of charge, but due to limited amount of seats sign-up is required. See http://socialtools.us/sign-up/ for instructions.
While the 2018 Social Tools Conference gave a broad overview of issues regarding decentralised organising and its social implications, the 2019 edition will focus on 3 patterns that were discussed last year but needed a more extensive discussion: MONEY, POWER & CONFLICT.
We see that power imbalances can be found in most organisations moving from a hierarchical to a more decentralised working model. How can we talk about them and deal with them? How can we avoid “toxic” power but embrace “healthy” power? How do we track and compensate contributions in decentralised organisations? How do we balance paid, pro bono and volunteer work? How do we acknowledge invisible work and care work? When trying to move towards a more decentralised way of working, conflict is almost inevitable. How can we deal with it? What patterns and tools are available for addressing conflict?
The Social Tools workshops are a “hands-on” continuation of the first day’s Social Tools Conference with presentations highlighting relevant ideas around POWER, MONEY & CONFLICT in decentralised organising. More info about the symposium can be found here on Facebook or Pixelache page.
We have two separate workshops to offer.
Sunday 28.9.2019 11:00-18:00
This workshop will focus on DisCO – Distributed Cooperative Organization. Taking Guerilla Translation as a case study, Ann Marie and Stacco will talk about their ideas of an Open Cooperative model. The workshop will discuss different models of contribution tracking and compensation within decentralised organisations. How to deal with paid, pro bono and volunteer work in a decentralised organisation? What about the “invisible” or care labour within such groups and organisations?
This workshop is hosted by Ann Marie Utratel and Stacco Troncoso.
Sign-up through Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/social-tools-2019-towards-disco-aka-the-distributed-cooperative-organisation-tickets-70280120733
Saturday 29.9.2019 11:00-18:00
This workshop expands the Social Tools 2018 workshop “12 Patterns of Decentralised Organising” by Nati Lombardo and Richhard D. Bartlett from Loomio / Enspiral. It will put special focus on pattern 5 and 6: “Keep Talking about Power” and “Conflict is Inevitable – Learn How to Deal with it”. The workshop will introduce the Conflict Resolution Pattern Language. Participants will be shown how to apply these patterns to their own contexts at multiple levels in an ecosystem.
The workshop host is conflict researcher and facilitator Sofia Bustamante.
She will introduce an approach based on living systems, peacework, martial arts, neuroscience and therapeutic fields. Sofia will show:
– How to proactively respond to greater and greater levels of conflict in groups
– Introduce means for a collective to design their own conflict response protocols
– Bust myths around conflict resolution preventing groups from engaging early in conflict
– Show participants how to apply these principles at different scales for distributed teams.
Participants will come away with:
– More confidence in the ability to address difficult conversations
– Less fear of conflict
– A better understanding of how to shift from blame oriented to a more generative culture
– An understanding of how to address stuck situations
– Tools and practices to embed this in teams
Sign-up through Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/social-tools-2019-introduction-to-the-conflict-resolution-pattern-language-tickets-70279787737
The conference is organised by Pixelache https://pixelache.ac.