Let's Do Decentralisation! Social Tools Conference in Helsinki, 28.-30.9.2018.
At the 2018 Social Tools Conference we examine the economic, social and political practices of decentralisation. We will look at what happens to groups or communities that try to work in different, democratic and more decentralised ways. Social Tools 2018 Conference is aimed at members of activist networks, artistic collectives, companies, co-ops, NGOs, museums, startups, universities, and interested individuals.
At Social Tools we will have debates and practical workshops to share a variety of practices that deal with issues of decentralising and democratising. We have gathered a radical and inspiring set of speakers and workshop leaders, including Nati Lombardo & Rich Bartlett from Loomio and Occupy New Zealand, Sophie Hope & Nick Mahony from the culture democracy movement and Sven Latzel from Sociocracy 3.0. This is not a passive event: everyone’s experience will count. The conference will start with a symposium on Friday afternoon, followed by open discussions on Friday evening and intensive practical workshops on Saturday and Sunday.
The organisers have all worked with Pixelache for many years to create a decentralized working model. We came up with some successful solutions, but we struggled with basic issues. We also learned that we are not alone, and that those challenges occur whenever we try to work without a traditional command-and-control structure.
We do not intend this to be a one-off event. We want this to start a conversation that will continue both in person and online.
The language of the conference is English. Participation is free, but you must register first on the conference website.
Social Tools 2018 Conference 28.-30.9.2018
Paasitorni & HIAP Suomenlinna, Helsinki
email: socialtools@pixelache.ac
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