Date: March 21-31 (with break on 24-25 March)
Location: MUU Gallery & Media Base, Lönnrotinkatu 33
A workshop by John Hopkins
In the ubiquity of networked media spaces where we distribute our wireless lives, what happens to our creative processes? How may we build a functioning architecture of participation for productive collaboration and interaction between the Self and Others?
This dynamic workshop will bring participants to a new state of awareness about their own creative practice. It will accomplish this through an exploration of human collaboration and connection within the space of networks. It explores conceptual and practical issues around creative engagement, culminating in the hands-on production of a live and online streaming-media public event with global participation. This public event will take place on Saturday, March 31 in the evening at MUU gallery and is free of charge for the audience.
More details at www.neoscenes.net/teach/pixel/index.php
The workshop is open to anyone with an interest in online collaboration and creative engagement at both a local and remote scale. There are NO technical background requirements. People with previous experience in streaming media, performance, digital audio and video, VJ work, etc, who wish to push their practice to a new level are also welcome.
The workshop is free of charge for the participants
Send the following information to neopixel {{ ät }} pixelache.ac :
1/contact information (name & email address)
3/Reason interested in workshop: brief background (studies, creative work, activities).
The deadline for sending in applications is March 5, 2007
Bio for John Hopkins:
As an active networker-builder with a background in engineering, hard science, and the arts, Hopkins practices a nomadic form of performative art and teaching that spans many countries and situations. He has taught workshops in more than 20 countries and 50 institutions across Europe and North America. Recent streaming performance nodes include Berlin, New York, Sydney, Helsinki, Riga, Amsterdam, Strasbourg, Santa Barbara, Winnipeg, San Francisco, and, of course, online. He studied film with renown experimental film-maker Stan Brakhage in the late 1980's. He was recently artist-in-residence at the Sibelius Academy's Center for Music and Technology in Helsinki, Finland.
More details about the workshop at www.neoscenes.net/teach/pixel/index.php
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