Architecture may be thought of as a combination of static hardware and dynamicsoftware. Pushing the analogy further, architecture could be considered an operating system within which people write their own programmes for spatial interaction. One model of operating system that is particularly relevant to architecture (since the design of space is always collaborative) is an open source system.
This experiment in collaboration brings together Margot Jacobs (Interactive Institute, Sweden); Andrew Paterson (University of Art and Design Helsinki, Finland); Adam Somlai-Fischer (aether architecture, Hungary); Ophra Wolf (Pursue the Pulse); and Usman Haque (Haque Design and Research).
Main ideas brought into the mix are: locative media (Andrew), which provides control structures that one allows oneself to be part of; open choreography (Ophra) in which content is generated through individual interpretation of prescribed rules for interaction; play and people-centered design (Margot) where open systems place emphasis on users as designers; low-tech media architecture (Adam) in which existing technology and spaces are re-appropriated; architecture as an open source operating system (Usman) where a collaborative framework is provided within which people create their own social space.