metaFestival Technologies is an open source development project. Instead of computer code, it specializes in instruction-based code that describes new forms of human practice or behavior. The code is defined by text and illustrations, and packaged like programs, giving everyone the possibility to use them, and develop new versions of their own.
The workshop, held on Thursday 16th May from 1-5 pm as part of the programme of Pixelache Festival 2013, will first familiarize the participants with the idea of behavioral coding. After that, we will together develop prototypes, and test them in the Pixelache environment. Finally, we will create short instructions for the practices that we found interesting and functional, so that we can distribute them for others.
metaFestival Technologies is a part of the metaFestival project, currently developed in Reality Research Center by its coordinator Pekko Koskinen. metaFestival was created as a part of 2012 Baltic Circle Festival, and continues its development also in Auawirleben 2013.
No specific skills are needed to take part in the workshop
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