A one-day open think-tank on mapping as artistic practice, targeted to artists, curators and people with a background in technology or science. In the morning, during the performance “On Exactitude in Mapping” the participants will, for a brief moment, become the map, the piece, the story and the landscape. The performance is a non technological, participatory performance in the tradition of Relational Aesthetics.
It’s followed by Christian Nold, Wouter Van den Broeck, Esther Polak and Ivar van Bekkum giving inside into their individual approaches to mapping. The afternoon is devoted to working in smaller work-groups on subjects such as the cultural and artistic relevance of mapping, the re-appropriation of technological systems for mapping, the relation between the constructed map and real space, and the ethical implications of mapping. The workshop aims at providing a solid knowledge of mapping in the art context through critical reflection, hands-on experience and collaborative exercise. In addition, participants are invited to put their own mapping projects up to discussion. Thus the workshop may generate ideas for new projects, improve existing concepts and result in new collaborations.
The number of participants is limited, so please register online in advance. Please provide a short description of your mapping project(s) or let us know which specific questions you would like to discuss with the group.
Mapping in Progress is a part of the map me if you will programme.
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