Tallberginkatu 1 C 22, Helsinki, FI, 00180

Forum Pixelache x Lumbung Radio:
The state we are in; Sustainability Through Collective Actions
Saturday 2.- Sunday 3. September
at MUU Helsinki Contemporary Art Centre (Kaapelitehdas) and on air
Organised as a Forum, guests and participants will gather to discuss the current crises we are facing in our society as; rise of the far right in Europe, climate urgency, extractivism, extended precarity and social welfare cuts, to mention a few.
Broadcasting while sharing together, the forum will tackle how this current climate of ecological and political crisis are intertwined with our lives.
This event is fully free and will gather panel discussions, DIY radio workshop, music and sound art, through an hybrid format; at MUU Art Center and Lumbung Radio platform.
Come at MUU Helsinki Contemporary Art Centre, or connect your browsers to the broadcast and join us in this Forum !
Full programme to be coming soon !
A collaboration between Pixelache and Lumbung Radio (Station of Commons)
Supported by
MUU Helsinki nykytaidekeskus
Taiteen edistämiskeskus
Institut Français - Finlande
Reset! Network, co-funded by the European Union
Graphic illustration: Phan Nguyen
Organisers team:
Station of Commons (Lumbung Radio): Grégoire Rousseau, Eddie Choo Wen Yi, Alain Ryckelynck
Pixelache: Irina Mutt, Phan Nguyen and Mathilde Palenius
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