The Camp Pixelache exhibition does not have a pre-defined theme. You can either propose a work that is related to curated Pixelache 2011 programme sections (map me if you will, Computational Photography, Groworld Bazaar) or a project that you think would be otherwise interesting for Pixelache audience.
You can propose to show an artwork or an experimental design or research project – these don’t have to be finalized but can be also presented as prototypes and sketches. You can also propose to have a booth that people visit during two days, or a non-stop workshop that people can participate in for a short duration.
Pixelache can only provide space and basic technical assistance for setting up the projects. The participants should provide all the necessary material and technology themselves, as well as take care of all related costs and arrangements (travel, accommodation, transportation, etc). All Camp Pixelache exhibition participants will receive a free Pixelache 2011 festival pass.
You can also participate in Camp Pixelache by giving a presentation, more instructions about how to propose topics for presentations/discussions will be published in near future (latest in January 2011).
Camp Pixelache includes:
Camp Pixelache features presentations by Hacteria + M.A.R.I.N. workshop hosts and participants, Jean Katambayi Mukendi (Congo RDC), Ulla Taipale (art & sci projects related to Baltic Sea), Christian Nold (an upcoming site-specific work for Suomenlinna Island) and much more! The programme is finalized in the morning in BarCamp-style: all Pixelache participants have an opportunity to give a presentation. FREE ACCESS TO ALL EVENTS DURING THE WHOLE DAY.
CAMP PIXELACHE EXHIBITION/LAB - SATURDAY 12.3. 12:00–18.00 & SUNDAY 13.3. 14:00 - 18:00
Featuring fablabs, renewable energy art projects, non-stop workshops, robot art and much more…
More information can be found on the Camp Pixelache 2011 wiki.