Catherine Lenoble was the first resident of Pixelache Micro-Residencies, during 19-26 February 2012.
- See Catherine's chapter on Pixelache Micro-Residencies' booki
- Blog post reflecting on the Residency
- See below the maps produced by Catherine during her residency
Catherine Lenoble is a French cultural producer and author based in Nantes. Through her work at PING ('resource organisation' at the intersection of creation, society and technology) during the past 6 years, she has been networking ideas and people through art and cultural projects, informal educational programmes and collaborative editorial works, both locally and internationally. She has published an experimental novel petitBain in 2010 and in parallel a website offering free access to the texts. She also regularly contributes to editorial projects, on and off-line.
Starting from 2012, she focuses on the development of independent projects and collaborations, engaging herself more specifically with research, publishing and creative writing.
HACK for CULTUREDuring her residency, Catherine Lenoble gave a presentation entitled 'Hack for Culture' Time & Location: Tuesday 21.2.2012, @Pixelache Office (Cable Factory, C-staircase, 4th floor)
Catherine Lenoble will share with us her experience of informal learning within the field of art & technology, based on the LABtoLAB experiment.
LABtoLAB was set up by 4 European new media organizations: Constant (Brussels, Belgium), Kitchen Budapest (Budapest, Hungary), Medialab-Prado (Madrid, Spain) andPiNG (Nantes, France). It is a nomadic university project exploring the role of the lab as a space for collaborative learning and knowledge exchange, and examining the possibilities of life-long learning in the context of the lab.
From 2009 to 2011, meetings, workshops and seminars took place in Budapest, Madrid, Brussels and Nantes. Each encounter opened up to a wider community of labs and individuals, and extended beyond European borders. The process and its outcomes are documented through the bilingual issue of the MCD publication on 'Mapping Media Labs in Europe', a website and a documentary film (which will be shown during Catherine's presentation).
////////////////////////////MAPS PRODUCED DURING THE RESIDENCYGrundtvig Programme Maps
LABtoLab MapsSemantic Cartography around the concept of Labcartoenpdf_lab